Europe            European Draught Confederation      

ARMENIA Armenian Draughts Federation
AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan Draughts Federation Voting right active
BELARUS Belarusian Draughts Federation (Suspended)
BELGIUM Koninklijke Belgische Dambond Voting right active
BULGARIA Bulgarian Draughts Federation
CYPRUS Scientific Thought Development Association
CZECHIA Czech Federation of Draughts Voting right active
DENMARK Danish Draughts Federation
ENGLAND English Draughts Association
ESTONIA Estonian Draughts Federation Voting right active
FRANCE Fédération Française de Jeu de Dames Voting right active
GEORGIA Georgian Draughts United National Federation
GERMANY Germany Interessengemeinschaft Damespiel in Deutschland (IGD) Voting right active
HUNGARY Hungarian Draughts Federation Voting right active
ISRAEL Israeli Draughts Federation Voting right active
ITALY Federazione Italiana Dama Voting right active
LATVIA Latvian Draughts federation Voting right active
LITHUANIA Lithuanian draughts federation Voting right active
MOLDOVA Draughts Federation of Moldova (Provisional)
NETHERLANDS Koninklijke Nederlandse Dambond (KNDB) Voting right active
NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland International Draughts Federation
POLAND Polski Zwiazek Warcabowy Voting right active
PORTUGAL Portuguese Draughts Federation
ROMANIA Romanian Draughts Federation
RUSSIA The Draughts Federation of Russia (Suspended)
SLOVENIA Slovene Draughts Federation Voting right active
SWITZERLAND Federation Suisse du Jeu de Dames
TURKEY International Draughts Association
UKRAINE National Ukrainian Draughts Federation (NUDF) Voting right active