The PC Blues Series is simply a list of draught books. About the international draughts game
(10x10) to be precise. The content has thus a rather technical content. Each of the books (or titles)
stands on his own.
All books are only provided in electronic form (PDF - files). Although printing of parts of even the whole
books can be done , we advise only to do so for specific reasons , and if necessary. For reasons of
ecologic footprint.
All books are in Dutch. This management summary , which is aimed at a broader public , is in English.
Of course the universal language of draughts - the visualization with many diagrams - has a
comforting effect.
None of the books is meant to be an introduction to the game on draughts. Every title digs into some
specialized domain or subject.
The title "PC Blues Series" deserves a little explanation. PC stands as well for my own initials as for
Personal Computer. This is an absolutely necessary tool (together with a couple of databases and a
draughts program for analyses) to write down and create the books.
What about the word "Blues" ? It means that alongside the technical content, which remains the main
topic, sometimes a couple of elements coming from outside the draughts - world are presented or
touched. This can be music (to which the word "blues" is mostly associated) but also other items from
"real live". Real, touching, simplicity seem to be the correct notions.
I started writing the books when I retired from work, in march 2010. In fact the aim was to write only
one book. It turned out otherwise.
The availability of time was the trigger, but what for the underlying grounds of the series ? There are a
number of reasons, I mention three of them :
- Why do you do something that takes a (whole) lot of time ? Well, because you like it ! So without
any doubt that 's the reason number one.
- Less important, but nevertheless : everyone needs a challenge ...
- And third : Draughts gave me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. The PC Blues Series gives me the
opportunity to return something to the (draughts) community. A gift.
A short word about the interludes. Because the draughts - stuff has a quite technical nature I have
tried to ease this by choosing a subject from the worlds of nature, science, math, astronomy, music or
art and insert some pages of visual content of it. It hints of course also to my own preferences.
We are ready now for a short trip across the Serie" style="display: none;">